1. Make January the month you take a deep dive into your finances and get 2019 off to a good start! If you have a partner, get together with them and talk about your expenses together; Print out last year’s credit card and bank statements and figure out where all the money is going. Which of these expenses are essential and which ones can you decrease (or even cut out altogether)? You’ll be amazed at how much money you can save quickly when you’re both on the same page and trying to reach the common goal of being homeowner’s in 2019! Just hoping your finances will improve in 2019 isn’t enough, take action!
2. Set up an appointment with your bank or mortgage broker! Seriously! Even if you think you don’t have enough money for a down payment, they will let you know exactly what you need to do to get you in the house you want; and it will help solidify your 2019 goals. My main point here is that goals tend to slide unless you take action (again)!
3. Find a great REALTOR to work with - This is perhaps more important than any other time in your life. The right REALTOR will know the industry, know your area, will fight tooth-and-nail to get you the best deal possible, can point out flaws in houses you’re interested in, and understands your needs. This is SO crucial because a good buy can kick your financial success into warp speed and alternatively a bad purchase can be catastrophic for a new home owner. For example, buying in an up-and-coming area can lead to expediated appreciation in home value, which in turn can lead to more financial options like a home equity line of credit. I remember searching for our first home and thinking I found an amazing deal… until my REALTOR at the time pointed out that the house’s foundation was severely compromised. Thanks Dave ;).
4. Formulate a game plan and write it down somewhere that you can view daily! This one’s simple; Keep your eyes on the prize throughout the year. Also, statistics show when you write down your goals, they happen more often than just talking or thinking about them.
I wish you all an amazing 2019!!!
Posted by: Warren